Additional methods accessible via code


At run time, instances can be added using the addInstance object method, for example...

@Assign nvals= Harddisk .nValues

@Do Harddisk.addInstance('HD20G7')

@Assign Harddisk.Speed[nvals+1]=7200

@Assign Harddisk.Size[nvals+1]=20


This method sets the value of the object to its initial 'Unassigned status'. That is, the state whereby the inference process needs to seek a value, either by prompting the user, calculation or an external call, etc.


At run time, all the instances of an object can be deleted using the clearInstances method.


At run time, specified instances can be deleted using the delInstance object method.


This method sets the status of the object to 'evaluate' whereby the current value is retained but treats the object as 'not known' and will seek a new value for it whenever it is encountered.


By default, all "Live" tables are automatically loaded into the objects when the xra is loaded at runtime. From release 4.1, each Table object has a "Manual Load at Runtime" option, which allows the developer to decide when to instigate the loading using the load object method.